Congenital anomalies of maxillofacial area development, motor alalia

Pavel T, 6 years. Diagnosis: minimal mental dysfunction (MMD) with a residual-organic dysfunction, hypertensive syndrome, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, pyramidal insufficiency; state after motor alalia; developmental delay, general speech delay of 2nd level, state after palatoplasty of ceasmic teratosis; rhinolalia; paresis of a soft palate and facial nerves. He was attending a speech kindergarten since 4th years; positive dynamics after regular exercises wasn't significant. He had congruent behavior during primary testing. He knew primary colors, geometrical figures, days of week, the basic natural phenomena.

He easily distracted himself from the work and worked slowly. He performed operations of comparison and counting to 10 with errors. Hand movements were awkward. The articulatory apparatus was inactive; he couldn't fulfill exercises independently. Speech was not clear for others and with strong nasal sounding. Lexical and grammatical components of language were below of age norm. His vocabulary was limited; He couldn't understand meaning of many words. The syllabic words' structure, number and order of sounds within each syllable were greatly aberrant. He was avoidant, reluctantly engaged with others. The boy had passed course of tDC procedure (4 sessions within November-December, 2001 in the above-stated mode). After tDC procedure he remained passive on practice, changes in speech behaviour were imperceptible. Improvement of an articulation and sounds automation were noted in a week after the end of all course; He showed interest to toys; He became more dexterous, He became motivated to fulfillment of homework. In a month his learning motivation became more appreciable. His face became expressive. The new sounds appeared in his speech, his phonemic hearing has improved, his working capacity grew (up to 30 min, and then up to 45 min).

Pavel began to draw better. In half a year he has successfully passed test in a kindergarten, developmental delay diagnosis has been removed. Residual phenomena of general speech delay of 2nd level remained: He confused prepositions, had mistakes at the parts of speech concords, his lexicon lagged a little behind the age norms. He knew all letters, he drew and wrote. Nasal sounding of his speech decreased; his speech became clear to others. He performed counting within 10. The experts committee decided to prolong his stay in a kindergarten for the correction of remained speech defects till 8 years and after that he was recommended for studying in the first form of secondary school.

According to survey of 2/4/2004. Pavel has been studing in a speech class of regular school. He could read fluently, understood the gist of the story. He was able to solve the mathematical problems, helping himself by fingers. He wrote rather quickly (by the left hand), his handwriting were smooth. He omited the vowels more often after letter "sh" in writing. He pronounced well all sounds, except "sh, shch, ch, r". Infringements in a speech grammatical system (the parts of speech concords, use of prepositions) remained. It indicated the residual phenomena of the general speech delay.

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